Me : Hello Pokok(tree), is it true most Indian men don't have the skills to co-exist with successful Indian women?
Me: Ok... but I'm all surrounded by successful women with #amazingly supportive #husbands. I so love how they become the backbone and with such strong pride, they carry too. Maybe the rest of them need some exposure?
Me: I think kan..I've seen these weak men were raised by some mothers who put these male supremacy thoughts in them when they were young.. What do u think?
Me: Pokok, hang tau tak.. Some Indian Men even expect their wives to 'obey' and ask 'permissions' to do something. And they saw it from their moms and TV serials since young.
Me: Answer me la pokok.. Why are you so quiet laa... I think Indian moms shd train Indian boys also to do all housework to read more about Women heroes instead of Rajnikanth. Maybe Indian moms should exert freedom on their own desires, their dreams and make a happy coexisting relationship and show their boys kan?
Me: You think I'm talking too much isn't it?
By: Selvi Aldragen